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【送禮第1回:The Gem Pen™】💍鑽石💍時刻保持閃亮的神器


有戴鑽飾的姐妹應該會有相同經歷,就是鑽石沾上污漬或塵埃,或是日積月累的污垢,影響鑽石閃爍度,拿到專門店清潔又花費時間,所以今次特別為大家推介好物:「The Gem Pen™」!

這支神器由準新娘必識的戒指盒品牌The Mrs. Box推出,筆型設計使用極方便,只需click一click筆末端按鈕擠出清潔液,即可使用毛筆掃直接清潔鑽石表面,令鑽石閃亮如新,bling bling再現!The Gem Pen™毛筆頭纖細,即使小塊面和小罅隙也可清潔得到,可用於鑽石、珍珠及其他寶石,而且筆型體積小巧,的的骰骰便於攜帶,可放於化妝袋內,是我日常必備的隨身小物。而非常值得推介的是,它以100%天然成份製造及生物可分解,對人體安全,且對大自然無毒無害💚

今天是Laine Jewellery網頁「滿月」的日子,我們將送出20支The Gem Pen™答謝各位支持,立即到Instagram專頁睇睇如何參加!


Elaine 💌

Have you ever had trouble keeping your diamonds 💍shining at their brightest? Here’s a favourite go-to of ours: The Gem Pen™ by The Mrs. Box. This brush pen is a handy tool that lets you clean your diamonds, pearls and other gems on-the-go, so that they’ll always be at their sparkling best.

To celebrate the 1-month anniversary of Laine Jewellery’s website launch, we are giving away 20 pieces of The Gem Pen™! Vist our Instagram @lainejewellery for details.




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